Hello again!
I downloaded S-parameters files for NE3210S01 from this webpage:
My first confusion is why there are three sets of S-parameters?
NE3210S01v1_2-18_0_-2p5.S2P - Vds = 0 V Vgs = -2.5 V (device is turned off, but some negative DC bias on gate?)
NE3210S01v1_2-18_0_0.S2P - Vds = 0 V Vgs = 0 V (completly off, only AC input)
NE3210S01v1_2-18_2_10.S2P - ! Vds = 2 V Id = 10 mA <-- (i think need use this file, looks like typical safe biased operation). Is that right?
QUCS is very good program, although it is not so obvious how things can be done because need to add some equations. Fortunately i've found this tutorial: **broken link removed** (A Qucs Tutorial for RF Transmission Lines) Very good tutorial.
Also i found information about using SPICE model of some transistor in QUCS:
http://est3.lmn.pub.ro/Posted reports/14.Bah-Transistor_simulating_report.pdf. But i read somewhere that S-parameter files can be successfully used for many simulations, representing device as a "black box" with known input and output. So i decided stop searching for spice equivalent scheme of NE3210S01 and use simple S-parameters file NE3210S01v1_2-18_2_10.S2P.
After adding two-port S-parameters box to QUCS i found some unknown Vref voltage pin, and connected it to ground. Actually it is modified last example of line matching to 300 Ohm at **broken link removed** tutorial. So here it is:
And build Smith-chart for it. My idea was that if i see smith chart of a raw device, it must be something like datasheet:
But it is not. Frequency sweep range the same as in datasheet (100Mhz to 26GHz)
I want to build a simple circuit with S-parameters box as a starting point for further matching. So what is wrong here? Should i add 50Ohm at the end or maybe decoupling capacitors. My QUCS schematic source files here: qucs-schematic.zip