Please, Anyone have info. about microblaze posted it .

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Newbie level 3
Jan 26, 2013
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Hello to all
Please, anyone have any idea about microblaze post it .
I read the user guided of microblaze and I know the instruction set of it , the architecture and I know it reside in fpga.
I need more and more info. in it .
My question is that
1) Why we use the microblaze? what the benfit of using it?
2) what is the mean of soft core?

Sorry for my basic question but I need to learn8-O .
Thanks to all:grin:

1) For the same reason you'd use any microprocessor. You can write and debug programs for it in a high level language. In an FPGA context, you can also attach it to high speed HDL peripherals. Development using a high level language is typically quicker/easier than developing using an HDL, so for applications where you don't care that much about high performance, such as user interfaces or low speed control paths, using such a processor might be a good engineering tradeoff.

2) "Hard" in this context refers to a (part of a) chip that is created during the chip fabrication process. A hard core processor is a normal processor that has been incorporated into another chip (such as an FPGA). A soft core processor is defined by the configuration bitstream and can be changed to suit your requirements.

Thank you Soo much for your help and excellent info.
I understood from your post that microblaze is microprocessor that doing the complex processing as that you programming it. From what is constructed (the architecture) I mean that when I need to construct adder it construct from multiply of gate that implied in slice <-CLB .where the microblaze in fpga?
You mention above, you programming the microprocessor to do what you need in c_language . In the C- language, we couldn't executed parallel program where in VHDL we can use it in parallel which give fast run (Am I right ?) From my basic info.?

When I need to use C-language , the result produced more accuracy than VHDL . And C_language have many capability than VHDL for example (We can compute square root in accurate result ).
Please, tell me more about :idea:
I am sorry ,but the idea of microblaze new to me and I want to understand it well.

I'm having a difficult time determining if your a HW type or SW type, you seem to be neither?...

joelby answered your questions previously. microblaze is a soft processor, i.e. a microprocessor that is given to a user as RTL (Verilog/VHDL) code that must be synthesized. For microblaze you can implement it in their system builder tools, which gives you a graphical representation of a microprocessor system (i.e. microblaze, memory, and peripherals), but the end result is a bunch of auto-generated RTL. There is a separate tool flow for writing your software routine and linking it with the hardware (e.g. the microblaze system and some other RTL design that resides in the same FPGA.)

You mention above, you programming the microprocessor to do what you need in c_language . In the C- language, we couldn't executed parallel program where in VHDL we can use it in parallel which give fast run (Am I right ?) From my basic info.?
This statement alone leads me to believe you have no knowledge of the internal guts of a typical computer let alone some embedded system. C is a software language that is hardware agnostic (i.e. If there is a compiler for your microprocessor you can write a C program on it). VHDL is a language that was designed to represent hardware at a higher level of abstraction than using gates. As it represents hardware everything is parallel unless the VHDL code written represents a series of gates in a daisy chain.

When I need to use C-language , the result produced more accuracy than VHDL . And C_language have many capability than VHDL for example (We can compute square root in accurate result ).
What? C isn't going to produce more accuracy than VHDL. Do you really understand how microprocessors work and how software runs on them? I seem to think you only understand high level concepts with no understanding of the underlying technology. You need to get a grasp on the low level workings of an embedded system before embarking on any kind of embedded FPGA system.
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Thanks ads_ee for your help
I begin search about the concept of embedded system in net as you advised me .

my best wishes for you

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