Plastic caps / dust covers for SMA and N connectors

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Full Member level 6
Nov 6, 2011
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This is a very high tech question, so I'm hoping someone will be able to help me.

I'm trying to find some flexible plastic caps, like in this photo

**broken link removed**

to cover SMA and N connectors to stop the dirt getting in them. (Actually, those in the picture are 3.5 mm, not SMA, but it makes no practical difference when it comes to covering them.)

Ideally I'm looking for a UK source. I've tried RS and Farnell, but neither have anything like them.

Has anyone got any ideas?


- - - Updated - - -

Don't worry, I found somewhere:

There might be cheaper places, but I only need a few, so they will do.


There is a pot of liquid plastic-type stuff in red color, so if you have an old SMA connector that you block off then you could dip it in.
The pot is intended for creating handles on household tools, etc. See here.
There is a**broken link removed**.
I've never tried this stuff though, so I couldn't say how effective/ineffective it would be.
However, when I needed to protect an SMA, I used a normal SMA plug and removed the pin, so it was an empty shell.
However, it does need to be screwed, so it's not great.
Alternatively, on another (unrelated) thread, someone once mentioned this site to me. They may
have something suitable. I've never used it though, but I guess they would ship to the UK.

EDIT: just saw your post. That looks a great site, very useful.

has a good range of sizes and colours, but they are expensive. £1.20 each for a cap to fit an SMA socket. A minimum order quantity of 10. I think £1.20 (~ $1.90) is taking the mic a bit for a small plastic cap.

does not have such a wide range of sizes or colours, but is a lot cheaper. £0.24 p each, with a minimum order quantity of 1.

Try Caplugs;

They have distributors in other countries; a few years ago the Australian reps arranged for free samples of some I wanted to be sent from the US.

That's service!

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