Adapting a design to utilize a PIC18F4550 instead PIC18F2550 is usually a trivial task. Except for the additional I/0, an ECCP module and three more A/D channels, the PIC18F4550 is virtually identical in function to the PIC18F2550. Both devices also have the same amount of storage, Flash/RAM, and code written for the PIC18F2550 will often run on a PIC18F4550 without modification.
However, adapting a design the other direction, from a PIC18F4550 to PIC18F2550, could present some issues.
Just use a standard PK2 2550 clone diagram and wire your 4550 up using the pin labels eg RA1 rather than pin number.
Remember to connect all power pins on the 4550.
The Program code V023200.hex for the 2550 does not need modifying, it will program straight into the 4550, have done it myself.
There are countless references to PK2 clones in its forum, a simple search will show them, some have a pcb design.