I wish there would be "?" button next to each entry / term / concept that would provide an immediate quick help to the user (especially - to a novice or infrequent user), in all EDA (and non-EDA) software tools - about its meaning, purpose, significance, implications, options, etc.
In a post-layout netlist (DSPF, SPEF, etc.), each port and instance pin has a description (single letter) explaining its purpose - I (input), O (output), B (bi-directional), maybe more.
Like many other things in a DSPF file, these entries have mono effect on electrical simulation.
They are used as annotations, to pass the design intent to downstream tools - so that their behavior, handling of the nets, pins, etc. is affected by the design intent.
Passing the design intent through the design flow is a very good thing, but in many occasions - it is not done, which is very bad.
People and tools have to spend extra efforts to "understand" what was the intent and needs to be done, and very often do much more than needed.