PID DC motor controller project

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Aug 31, 2012
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Hi all,

For my final year project I wanted to do a PID temperature control unit but some other guy beat me to it so now he is doing it. My lecturers suggested me that I do a PID DC motor control trainer panel (one can be used to simulate PID motor control in a lab).

I would like your input on this so I can improve this idea. But what I would really like is my project to have an industrial use. Can you all please help me with your valuable input.

Thanks in advance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like you got the much tougher project. Your lecturer must really like you. You need to find ways to detect the load on the motor
(e.g. speed?) and then develop your algorithm..
You will need analog and control skills, not just microcontroller knowledge. It has industrial use - one probably wouldn't implement this otherwise.

Thank you all for replying !!!!!!!!!

I went through some DC motor control devices and have some ideas and questions.

I thought of a device that can control motor speed of DC motors that has a range of supply voltages. The device will have an encoder input that can detect the motor speed as well as a 4-20mA current loop input so that the motor can be used to control other processes (eg - flow rate). PID autotune function. Plotting the speed vs time on a LCD screen or on the PC.

These are some of my ideas. I do not know whether they are useful, doable, easy or hard. I would verymuch like your input.


I think dc motor inner current loop first before implementing speed loop. Do u really need PID? sometimes PI loop is enough.

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