PICStart Plus with USB interface

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Newbie level 3
Feb 16, 2005
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picstart plus usb


Any idea whether it is possible to build a PICStart Plus with a USB interface? I mean, can the RS232 driver in the schematic be replaced with a USB driver like FT232 from FTDI. If we use the standard driver for this chip, will MPLAB detect the programmer? Have anyone experimented on this?

picstart usb

I haven't yet had a chance to work with the FTDI chips,
although they look very interesting. Before you go to
the trouble of designing this interface, have you considered
trying an off-the-shelf RS-232/USB adaptor, such as the
ones made by Keyspan? I would think something like this
would be worth a try before you heat up the soldering iron.


picstart plus

Yes, you are right; getting an off-the-shelf USB to RS232 adapter will enable us in using the USB port. But my main intention was not to use any power adapter with the programmer. If we can use the USB interface, 5V available on the USB can be used to power the programmer. Obviously the part of the circuit which generates 13V from a 9V DC input, in the standard circuit, has to be modified. But with a standard USB to RS232 converter, 5V supply will not be available for external use.

picstar usb

I think that would be possible, we will just have to maintain the comunication from the PICSTART to PC from its ariginal design then no doubt it will be successful...

Added after 38 seconds:

I think that would be possible, we will just have to maintain the comunication from the PICSTART to PC from its ariginal design then no doubt it will be successful...

picstart plus rs232 cable

You can use TUSB3410 from ti too, available for free ;-)




I haven't used TUSB3410.. Is it equivalent to FT232 devices? For FT232, the driver software is available, which makes it very easy to use. Is it the same case with TUSB3410 also?

picstar plus


I used CP2101. Its easy to get at Digi-Key and it it has an internal OSC. Almost no external componants needed and the software is for free. Have a look at it.

usin microchip picstart plus with usb port

they have a sample code in using TI TUSB3410 here we can use it as for reference

**broken link removed**

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