I bought a new pickit2 clone.
I prefer an adapter board to program the pic mircos.
Presently I have 28 pin micros 16f72, f873a, f876a and (628a - 18 pin).
I have 28 and 40 pin zip sockets to make the adapter.
I thought it might be a good idea to have 28 and 40 pin micros on a 40pin zip.
I compared both pin connections. interestingly vdd and vss of both on the left side didn't match.
if I put 28 pin micro in the 40 pin Zif- MCLR, PGD, PGM , PGC , VDD, VSS are ok, but pin 11,12 of 877a is vdd and vss respectively and pin 8 of 876a is vss. is it ok if I don't connect 876a - vss - pin 8 ,and 877a - 11 and 12 - vdd and vss to program the chip.
This question may seem silly, presently I have 28 pins micros which I can check , but I am about to order 40 pins micros today, will take 4 days to reach me, by then I hope to complete the adapter.
THanks in advance.