[PIC] PIC18f4550 Windows 7 X64 Driver

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Nando Flores

Newbie level 2
Jan 7, 2014
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I was able to build a usb device using the pic18f4550, and I tried it on a 32 bit machine and it worked perfectly. Now I am trying to get it to work on windows 7 PRO X64, but every time I install a driver, I get error code 10. I think the reason I'm getting this error is because I'm using a 32 bit driver instead of a 64 bit driver.
Can someone tell me where I can download the 64 bit driver for this pic, so I can get it to work in windows 7 PRO X64?
If you could please give me the download link, that would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance!

I used the CDC driver from CCS pic compiler 5, and I also installed mplab x side, so I could use its driver, but none of them worked.

See if there is any USB device conflicts in your Win 7 x64 system using Nirsoft USBDeview. If you see more than one device having same PUD (Product ID) then it means there is USB conflicts, then you need to remove those drivers.
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