pic18f4550 (configuration)

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Have you attached the crystal with PIC16F877A as it is not having the Inbuilt Crystal Oscillator...

thank you
No, I did not use Crystal Oscillator
and I'll buy it, and I will tell the news
otherwise prepared me all the details of your project and all components with links
and thank you very much

hello,I bought crystal as you told me 20mhz , but still nothing heppens
maybe there is problem in software
please help and thank you

I am attaching my project..

Upload the hex file into your controller..

This is working fine for me..

View attachment EDA_Board_Help.zip

Hope this works..

Capacitor u attached with 20Mhz Crystal is 22pf or not...

Also Check the Oscillations at Oscillator terminal in the Oscilloscope

Hope this helps

first i want to I tell you thank you very much,thank you very ... very much
and how nice of you to try to help me

no I do not use Capacitor
I use PIC18F4550 or PIC 16F877A
I import the hex file "help.hex"

thank you

---------- Post added at 18:23 ---------- Previous post was at 18:10 ----------

also PORT B or ??

no I do not use Capacitor

A pair of capacitors are required when utilizing a crystal.

A typical circuit is shown below:

For a 20MHz Crystal, 22pF capacitors are a bit on the high side, typical values usually range in the 15pF to 20pF range. Unless you have have the actual datasheet belonging to the crystal in use I would recommend starting with 15pF values.

You can omit the 1MΩ resistor shown in the schematic.

Be sure and connect both sets of Vdd and Vss pins and use bypass capacitors as shown in the schematic.

A well regulated power supply is a requirement as well, no cutting corners.

I use PIC18F4550 or PIC 16F877A
I import the hex file "help.hex"

I was under the impression we were discussing the PIC18F4550, is this not the case?

Was the HEX file arunsharma0731 uploaded for you intend for a PIC18F4550 to demo a USB implementation?

It seems this thread maybe straying off topic, if so please start a new thread.


thank you but i use pickit 2

thank you but i use pickit 2

Regardless whether you are using a PICkit2 or not. If you intend to utilize a crystal with either the PIC18F4550 or PIC18F877A you will need to include a pair of matched capacitors with the crystal.

What exactly is the issue you are currently experiencing and need assistance?


Do you have both the PIC16F877A and the PIC18F4550 available?

Do you wish to code in C or Assembly language?


yes i have both and i use language C i have explain all my projeCt in previous posts

...i have explain all my projeCt in previous posts

Frankly it is difficult to determine the actual topic of your thread. It is now four pages long and you have yet to accomplish the simple "blinking LED" example, it has strayed from one topic to another.

I would recommend starting out with the PIC16F877A and after you have master it, move on to the PIC18F4550.

The following is a Blinky LED Example using the PIC16F877A and PICkit2:

Simple LED blinking using PIC16F877A

The pair of 30pF capacitors shown in the schematic can be replaced by the pair of 22pF capacitors you have available.

The above example uses the Hi-Tech C Compiler which is above from the Microchip Website:

**broken link removed**

I assume you have the Microchip MPLAB IDE installed. Is this correct?


thank you very,no i unse mikroC pro

Why not give Micrchip's MPLAB and Hi-Tech C Compiler a try?

They are both freely downloadable and offer direct support for the PICkit2?

Besides, it is not like you have a lot of experience with MikroC Pro.

What operating system (OS) are you currently using on your PC?

**broken link removed**


---------- Post added at 20:30 ---------- Previous post was at 20:13 ----------

The following is an example project in MikroC using PIC16F877A @20MHz:

mikroC TUTORIAL: 1st Proyect - Blinking Port


thank you, iam going to try this and i tell you the news thank you

What program are you using with PICkit2?

I do not remember the MikroC IDE supporting the PICkit2 as a programmer.


i use mikroC PRO for PIC,and PICkit 2 v2.60

Hi Khiat
I read your entire thread, you have gone through a lot of problems. Did you get your project working???
I am really concerned


If you are not using crystal and using internal oscillator, then in mikroC you have to specify that you are using internal oscillator and also tyhe frequency. If you are using 20 MHz external oscillator then in mikroC configure as HS and 20 MHz.

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