Thank you wp100, you are an expert.
The project is running great now.
LCD & Keypad are connected and functioning.
As for the inputs: LDR, LM35, and soil moisture sensor:
LDR: connect a 10k trimmer: DONE
LM35: what resistor should I connect for optimum value (Note: I had tried to search for it, but every circuit has its own characteristics, so I cannot use one of the shown values; hence there must be a manufacturer suggested resistor to connect with)
Soil moisture sensor: I won't use any Arduino-based sensors, my project should only be written in assembly, I cannot use more than ONE processor.
As for the power supply, how can I get an exact 5V DC? There are no batteries manufactured for 5V (Why?) I also tried to use a voltage regulator: 7805, BUT still gives on the output an exceeding value of 5V (5.7V) which can blow the entire circuit up. How to have pure 5V DC to supply the circuit with?
here is a general overview of the circuit: