Disclaimer: this is schoolwork, so I'm not sure if it's in the right segment.
I need to write a frequency counter for a PIC16F870 microcontroller that can read frequencies from 0 to 255hz (8 bit, at least they had some mercy there...). This is for a school project where we have to build a capacitive pick-up and then output the RPM of a DC motor on a LCD screen. We've had SOME training in assembly language, but pretty much everyone (lots of project groups) is having a realy hard time with this and as far as I know, no-one has figured it out yet. The capacitor setup is done and we have a square-wave output, 5v=1 and 0v=0
Can someone assist us with this, maybe points us to some examples, give us a few tips? The controller is 8 bit, runs on 4mhz and uses a RISC instruction set (basically the same you find on a wide range of PIC's).
Any help is greatly appreciated, this project is realy grinding us down...