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You mean the o/p voltage does not stabilize? Does it change with load?
If this is the case then check if you have a closed loop circuit which will regulate the o/p voltage.
Hi emrahmrcn,
there is some possible problems I can guss:
1.wich kind of oscillator do you use?
[some oscillator sircuits have a low ferq. oscillation (much more lowe freq. than osc. main ferq. & other than usual harmonies)]
2.is your code balance?
[your loops should be exactly same for each cycle,even a line less or more for
each cycle will make the things wrong.]
about heat...
your mosfets looks good [they are IRFZ44 isn't it].
is your transformer match to your ferq. , it seems you use 50Hz on pic,is your transformer made for 50Hz,or vice versa.
also yor pulses should be fast and short .
I'm not familiar with your code language [I'm trying to improve but for now I just know PICbasic] (((( IS THERE anyone can help and check the code?)))))
just some advice about circuit:
1.you should use a RC filter on AC [output] side to reduce the noise and make
AC voltage more stable.
2.with 9V transformer you should get something around 280-300V on AC side
specialy without a load and also I guss that going hot under load.
And finaly if your load going to change each time,you're going to need a kind of
regulator for stabilize the output voltage.
they are detailed information,without all of these your circuit will work, so build it
and have fun!
Your circuit is open loop. Use negetive feedback. This will give you regulated o/p.
Your complementary uC o/p should have 'dead zone' to avoid common mode conduction of both the o/p devices. This will reduce heat and increase reliability.
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