we don´t know how you do this now..
Is it a single byte variable or multiplebyte variable, ist it binary encoded or ASCII or anything else.
all other than a single byte needs some protocol.
This can be additional sent characters or a timing.
Lets say A, B, C are individual bytes of one or more variables.
Sending A, A, A, A... is no problem
But for sending A, B, C you need some frame sync:
like: wait 100ms, then send A, B, C immediately after each other. (the "wait" acts as frame sync.)
or: send [FS], A, B, C, [FS], A, B, C,... here [FS] is one or more known byte(s) for the receiver to show that a new set of data is being sent.
best is, if the values for [FS] is not valid for the data A, B, C (like ASCII, where valid values are considered to be 0...127, so any value of 128...255 can be used as [FS].