PIC software for converting from hex to asm

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convert hex to bas


If you need it for PIC processors I know of some SW.
I do not know if the transformation gets 100% shure, but check here

123.synchrondata.com/pheaven/www/area63.htm have to follow link but post this link so you know the filenames.

I have a software called PIC-Disasm and it can translate for a lot of PICs

I hope this helps you

If you cannot find the files PM me.


hex to asm

For 12-14bit's pics, just load hex to ICPROG then push "Assembler view".

bas umwandeln hex

thanks for the answers.
Particularly I look for a converter from hex to bas (for pic basic).
In alternative it is also all right from hex asm.
I now try on the suitable links

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