what Power_Down_OffModules(); in your code does exactly??
actually by default all the modules except some timers goes in sleep with the cpu, except you set them to keep runnig in sleep mode, by configuring their respective sfrs, so you don't need to make individual modules sleep. problem is something else.
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what Power_Down_OffModules(); in your code does exactly??
actually by default all the modules except some timers goes in sleep with the cpu, except you set them to keep runnig in sleep mode, by configuring their respective sfrs, so you don't need to make individual modules sleep. problem is something else.
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look what pic datasheet says on its page number 109
To minimize current consumption, the following conditions
should be considered:
• I/O pins should not be floating
• External circuitry sinking current from I/O pins
• Internal circuitry sourcing current from I/O pins
• Current draw from pins with internal weak pull-ups
• Modules using 31 kHz LFINTOSC
• Modules using Timer1 oscillator
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i think rf module may be using some power even in pd mode.
you are measuring current from which point?
also do you have multimeter good enough to measure such small currents?