PIC sending SMS... what is PDU?

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Junior Member level 3
Jan 24, 2006
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what is pdu

Hello everyone...

I have a question on PDU..
I'm designing a system that will send sms warning using PIC16f877a.
PIC will trigger nokia 3310 to send sms whenever my sensor detect any danger...

Anyway, i had a good review from internet and forums on MBUS and FBUS...
i plan to use FBUS with 115200 bps speed using direct connection between my PIC and the 3310 fbus line with maybe a voltage divider for 3 volt requirements...

What i dont understand is where does this PDU part come? what it actually is? its quite confusing...

Really appreciate all ur help~ THANX!!

what is pdu?

PDU (protocol description unit)
More on this issue can be found at:
**broken link removed**


what is pdu

Well...Nokia 3310 dont't have any external data connector, so how are you going to that!!

sms .net pdu

You can connect connector to NOKIA3310. There is a way. Inside battery compartment.

pdu pic c

Code Warrior>> You can connect connector to NOKIA3310. There is a way. Inside battery compartment.

Yep... this is what i plan to do...
let me get this clear... my project have nothing to do with this PDU?
somehow i kept seeing this term in my reference in internet...

Added after 26 minutes:

Hi guys...

i saw in **broken link removed**

To see which modes your mobile supports, you can use the "AT+CMGF=?" command.
You will get a response with the supported SMS formats
0: PDU mode, 1: Text mode

assuming i have direct connection between PIC and nokia 3310 FBUS rx; how do i send the "AT+CMGF=?"?
Can i just send the characters through my pic16f877a serial tx pin at 115200bps?
or i need to convert first to ascii or pdu? :|

pdu con pic

ive heard of a group in the philippines that tried to make a braille to sms device, but they used a nokia 6110 i think, made a device connected to the phone's data port and that is the one converting the text message to braille

t28 sms pic

Code Warrior said:
You can connect connector to NOKIA3310. There is a way. Inside battery compartment.

Are there any pic around, where can I locate those connector?? Any useful link??

whats is a sms pdu


For sending SMS is better to use a Sonyericcson phones, those works fine without FBUS/MBUS protocol like nokia phones...

It is very simple: using hyperterminal ==> AT<CR>, the phone answer with <CR><LF>OK<CR><LF>....that is very simple for PIC receiving INT_RDA functions type...

Sony use TTL levels for data port.....so you can use a MAX232 to connect a PIC<==>T610 (f.e) using serial datacable, PIN 4 of DB9 must be between +3/+12 volts to enable internal level shifter of data cable...so you can use the second port of MAX232 to set this signal putting TTL input at low level....


pic sms

thx terka... but sadly i need to focus on nokia 3310 coz thats what i have rite now..

sale it...jajajaaa....by

Thanks...so can I send sms by Nokia PCSuite software using that schematic??

i have read that u say we must provide +3/+12v to pin 4 db9 to enable internal level shifter of data cable. Can u pls explain tis and pls send me the schematic as i think my t28 cant send sms using the hardware that i build coz i didnt connect the pin 4 i just use pin2,3,5 of DB9. Pls give some advise for me thanks.

chickyMeal said:
Hello everyone...

Anyway, i had a good review from internet and forums on MBUS and FBUS...
Really appreciate all ur help~ THANX!!

Hi chickyMeal, I'll be so thankful if you post the sites that u've seen, because I'm looking for good resources.

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