do you need 60 solenoids turned on with BJT's? and if you use a shift register you better do some calculations, especially if it is 120, and you want to do it at 100 ms each. you may want to consider using an optoisolater as well between. solenoids can be noisy and mess with your uC or at least make sure you have good separation between the solenoids and uC. Why not just get one of the 40MHz dspic33fs? They're cheap and will give you some compute power as well. You haven't told us anything about your requirements or how big the solenoids are or anything. FETs tend to use less current, so I'd go with those over BJTs, note NFET vs PFET when considering which side of the solenoid you are planning on switching on, diodes in the right places are important too. Make sure to google for example circuits or you'll blow a few chips finding out the hard way.