PIC Programing using another pic without PC

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May 12, 2009
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Can i Program a PIC using other PIC , without using computer.
i think PIC-to-PIC Copier.

yes you can. You need to write a boot loader for that PIC which you want to program.
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There is two PICs.One is PIC-T that will send the data at its UART. That data basically Binary file generated by your compiler. Second is PIC-R that one you want to program.There may be some steps;
1 - Store binary file in PIC - T.
2 - Write a program for PIC-R, that will receive the code at its UART and write it into its flash. It is kind of boot loader program.
3 - Choose a pic for IC-R that can write its flash.
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but how can i burn boot loader in to second pic(without pc) .
can take this through first pic (master)

---------- Post added at 19:41 ---------- Previous post was at 19:34 ----------

but how can i burn boot loader in to second pic(without pc) .
can take this through first pic (master)

But i can see one PIC copier in my friend thats have one master uc and 40 pin slot. We can program new PIC uc by just clip on this 40 pin slot and press a micro switch. then master program will be copied to this new PIC , without burning bootloader into new PIC (Fresh new PIC) and without using PC also . i think master PIC can burn bootlooder into
second PIC(New) without PC ,is it?if s how it possible?

As my information you program a new PIC using its programming pins. you dont connect the pic directly to the PC. there is always a pic in between. I think you basically talking about a programmer hardware like ICD programmer. Micho chip is also providing a ICD programmer. Use google for more informations.
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k thanks,
before i get confused PGD/PGC and RX/TX.
now cleared it thanks

This is called programmer to go function. Pickit2 and PICkit3 programmer from microchip has this facility.
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