[PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"

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Newbie level 2
Jun 27, 2016
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I'm trying to connect a PIC16F877A to program it in MPLAB X IDE, but I'm getting an error about target device ID.

My breadboard: **broken link removed**

Currently loaded firmware on PICkit 3
Firmware Suite Version.....01.43.35
Firmware type..............Midrange

Programmer to target power is enabled - VDD = 5,000000 volts.
Target Device ID (0x0) is an Invalid Device ID. Please check your connections to the Target Device.

The following memory area(s) will be programmed:
program memory: start address = 0x0, end address = 0x7

Device Erased...

program memory
Address: 0 Expected Value: 2803 Received Value: 0
Failed to program device

Re: [PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"

Connection looks fine.
What i can suggest you is to give power supply externally.
You are using pgc pgd only connect pgm also, though not necessary but still sometimes such things happen.

I faced such issues several times in my life, some works by supplying power externally, some works by complete connection, some works by using crystal oscillator also.

At last you can use, pic kit3 to program any other micro to see it is fine or not.
Change micro as well.

Re: [PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"

You must have bypass capacitors for a start.
Also I looks like you are only connecting some of the Vdd and Vss pins - they ALL need to be connected.
Re: [PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"


Which compiler you are using. XC8 or anyother?


Re: [PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"

Silly questions, but are you sure that you are using a PIC16F877A? Are you sure that you have not got the PGD and PGC swapped over?

Re: [PIC] Need help Pic16f877A using pickit3 error "Failed to program device"

Sorry about my disappearance. I connected the other 2 Vcc and Vss, then MPLAB X IDE said that the current was high and failed to program. Then I moved the jumpers in the breadboard, this time didn't popup that warning, but it still failed to program. The error was that it was expecting a value for the beginning and end, and found another. So I think I fried the PIC. I'm waiting another one to come in under 10 days. Thank for the help folks! Really appreciated.

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