[SOLVED] PIC Microcontroller, compiling and programming please help.

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Member level 2
Jan 5, 2011
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South Africa
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Hi all

I bought a universal pic 40 pin programmer (PIC40USB) The only problem is I can only upload .hex files. I am a programmer. I have Visual Studio 2010 with a C++ compiler. I do not know how to program in assembly and I do not feel like learning another language as I already work with to many as it is

I have looked all over the web and all the compilers are either limited or demos. How can i take full advantacge of the pic16f877 if I use software that is limited.

I need a solution to how to get around this problem. I am sure I am not the only one. Please guys I have been googling all day. I appreciate the help.

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I have looked at SDCC and the MikroC. SDCC is way to tedious to operate and MikroC is limited. I am a C#,VB.net programmer and I think maybe the best way to go forward is write my own program that converts the files to .HEX. for me. I think this is the route to go. I will have to do my home work but if it works I will share it to all who wants it as I believe that microcontroller manufacturers make more than enough money and as we buy there microcontrollers whe should get all the development software for free. I am sure most of you will agree.
Thanks for the help.

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