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pic microcontroller code help

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microcontroller code

can any one help me with the pic microcontroller assembly language please



Do you need instruction set or what?

ccs forum for pic microcontroller

Could you specify what you need precisely ??[/img]

picmicrocontroller code

i need the instruction set and examples of how to use them. It would be very much helpful if you can give me any helpful book's link


pic microcontroller 75 instruction set


For instruction set you can refer the Reference manual from microchip. Its free for download.
The above said book is also good.


16pic microcontrollers from microchip

You can also find the instruction sets in the help menu of mplab.

microcontroller code project

squirrel said:
i need the instruction set and examples of how to use them. It would be very much helpful if you can give me any helpful book's link


Do you know Any asm. lang. ? If yes - then it's possible to fill you in very fast explaining through the differences.

I wrote a small program to generate pic asm for common code constructs, you can find it here.
Might be of some help?

To use the PIC, u must know the internal architecture of the PIC very well, like the RAM, register, Rom.....etc.
Then u learn the PIC instruction set, each instruction have their own usage, like add, sub, and,movf, movf.....
As a reference please go to the yahoo and search PIC INSTRUCTION SET.....
Hope u enjoy it..........

Added after 2 minutes:

All this code in assembly language so need to use the assembler to transfer this code to hex form and use the programmer to burn this programmer to the chip.....

i'm referring to waseem:
the mentioned link is saying tha "The topic or post you requested does not exist"

if knowledge of assembly language helps to an extent then please give me some assembly language book's link.

thanking all

Hi Squirrel!
The link given by the moderator is working fine download the book it will help u a lot. If u can specify which processor u r working on, then may be i will post some code because i have worked with 16F84 in assembly language before jumping to C language.
If u still cannot download the books then feel free to ask i will help u as much as i can.


    Points: 2
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i'm referring to waseem
thanks you sir, i've downloaded the book. i'll start reading in no time.
i'm using pic16f84A
you told that you have worked with 16F84 in assembly language before jumping to C language.
which one will be better to start? assembly language or C language ? I know C++. Can i use C++?
thanks again

i'm referring to hugo
thank you so much. i've taken all the pages you mentioned. i'm grateful to you. thank you very much.

i want to know about pic microcontroller, do i need to know about 8051 ? if needed, send me plz the link of the book.

Hi Squirrel!
I am glad that the book is of use to u. There is no need to learn 8051 if u are working with pic. I also started with pic and the processor was 16F84. PIC is one of the best controllers i have worked with. There is such a huge variety of different chips available(full of peripheral features like adc,spi,pwm etc) and that too at a very low cost.

As far as the choice of C or assembly is concerned, if u know C language then then there is no need to work on assembly. But at the same time i must tell u that if u work with assembly language in the begining then you will truly understand the architectue of the chip which is a plus point in the long run. I think that u should start with assembly, write a few simple programs like flashing led's ,designing of a clock,interfacing of lcd and then later on jump to C language.

My advice is that stick to just one type of controller in the begining. Once u master the art of manipulating the various features then jump to any other controller. At the moment i have also started working with AVR's(after two years of working with PIC) which is another nice architecture.

I will post some code examples tomorrow because it is in my home PC and right now i am at the office.



    Points: 2
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hello sir,
thank you for ur kind response. I'm looking forward for the examples & codes. Do you have any C programming language book that is especially written in this field? thanks again

Hi Squirrel!
There is a book "An introduction to programming the Microchip PIC in CCS C" By Nigel Gardner uploaded on the forum. Search for it and download it. It is a very nice book and i have learned a lot from it.
Very soon i will post the code for u.But in the mean time visit the site
it has got a lot of useful simple programs for beginners.


    Points: 2
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thank you for the links. i'm searching the book "An introduction to programming the Microchip PIC in CCS C", i will seek your help if i fail to get it.

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