[PIC] Pic kit2 programming problem

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Jun 2, 2013
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Haii all,
My pic kit 2 shows some error ie,when ever we connects to pc it detects as usual but when i load HEX file it shows error as 'Hex file not loaded-Device error'.I checked with different ic and wth different USB cable but the problem exists .Reinstalled software also.Any one have any idea about this problem,which defective component shows this message.

Thanks in advance


Have you previously programmed chips ok with this Pk2 ?

Are you programming in a stand alone socket or In Circuit ICSP.

How long are the wires from the PK2 to the target chip, greater than 100mm to 150mm can give such problems.

Is the Pic chip in a breadboard, if so, try programming without the breadboard as they can give problems with high speed pulses.

Which Pic chips are you using, perhaps post a .hex file to see if we can program it ok, if we have that chip to hand.

I used that pic kit2 since the last 3 months
I am programming in a stand alone ZIF socket and using usb cable supplied with that kit(1meter length)
I am using PIC 16f887a and kit detecting as PIC16F882
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what is your Pickit2 version ..
i am using Pickit2 standalone ..because to much probleme when insert in IDE ..
and also because i use it with MPLAB C18,MPLABX, MIKROC
i just have to open it , appart the compiler..
and after use "Auto import + write device" facility..
this one is OK for 16F887
but i don't have also the 16F887A in the Midrange standard list

Maybe the Device file must be update ...


Haii , This is my software version


  • pic.jpg
    89.7 KB · Views: 80


If you connect your PK2 and do the About again it should show the OS version as 2.32.

When you get the message' Hex file not loaded-Device error' is there an Error code number with it ?

when i connect Pic kit2 output as in image 1,and image 2 shows when i load HEX file


  • 1.jpg
    221.6 KB · Views: 165
  • 2.jpg
    181.2 KB · Views: 218

try to use
Pickit2 Operating system

voltage 2,5V only ?
no name of your *.hex file in the source !

upgrade your Device File data to version 1.63
and try to use 16F877 and +5V for VDD

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