I have this program where inside a timer interrupt I need to carry out certain things. One of this is to execute the following line of code. But when I do this the microcontroller takes some time to compute the value. Can you give me any suggestions to improve it? the variables are in type int
cannot see any obvious way to improve performance - clearly the * is the longest operation - can you give more details of the algorithm?
how often does the timer interrupt? if only mSeconds there should be no problem but get 50000 interrupts/second and you could have timing problems
can you increase the processor clock by using clock multipliers which are available on the more powerful PICs?
I have this program where inside a timer interrupt I need to carry out certain things. One of this is to execute the following line of code. But when I do this the microcontroller takes some time to compute the value. Can you give me any suggestions to improve it? the variables are in type int