PIC basic programming

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Oct 2, 2007
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anyone know how do i interface the PIC with the hyper terminal using RS 232? what are the syntax for it or where can i get them? thanks... also, how do i tell the PIC to place an "enter/carriage return" key?

serin2 syntax

Chr(13) is Carriage Return and Chr(10) is Line Feed. These are ASCII values, but are also simply the numbers 13 and 10. The PC typically interprets RS232 as ASCII numbers. Just send 13 and 10, in that order, and you should have the equivalent of hitting the Enter on the keyboard.


    Points: 2
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serin2 pic pc

eugenesiew said:
anyone know how do i interface the PIC with the hyper terminal using RS 232? what are the syntax for it or where can i get them? thanks... also, how do i tell the PIC to place an "enter/carriage return" key?


use max232 ...



pic basic programming and projects

Use Max 232 or an equivalent circuit

Then configure the pic serial port baud rate.
USe Hyperterminal to communicate with pic.
For the enter/carriage it is in ASCII Table: 13 10



    Points: 2
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pic basic programming

blueroomelectronics, i have only three months to complete it. What is worst, my supervisor is not providing any help to me also... I am totally on my own and besides that i still have three other subjects to study... erm, i understand that you have written many books on PIC, maybe you can give me the link to read what you have written... to help me understand PIC better... thanks in advance...

ohyea, does anyone knows the difference between SERIN and SERIN2? i read it from the melabs.com but i still dont understand the difference, they claim one is based on BS1 serin command while the other BS2 serin command.

also, anyone knows the difference between
output=driven or open and
conversion = true or inverted?
what are those for during SERIN/SERIN2?

thanks again, especially to
master_picengineer &

serin2 picbasic

eugenesiew said:
anyone know how do i interface the PIC with the hyper terminal using RS 232? what are the syntax for it or where can i get them? thanks... also, how do i tell the PIC to place an "enter/carriage return" key?

Search the board, this had been discussed many times already.

the sms car tracking system picbasic project code

i have got it already... thanks anyway...

uso del flow pin del serin2

With SERIN you don't use handshaking but with SERIN2 you can use a flowbit for handshaking and your mode is coded
SEROUT2 DataPin{\FlowPin},Mode,{Pace,} {Timeout,Label,}[Item...]

where in SERIN the mode is direct
SERIN Pin,Mode,{Timeout,Label,}{[Qual...],}{Item...}

picbasic con hyperterminal

what s the flow pin for actually?
also i dont get wat u mean by coded and direct...
care to further elaborate..? thanks..

bs1 serin

hai u can also use mikroelekronica basic programming software + its tutorials try by google to download above with 'mikroelekronica' as key work in google search

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