Pic 18F assembly with GUI problem

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Raju C

Member level 2
Sep 17, 2009
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Hi all...
If i enter the frequency through GUI(graphical user interface) and with that frequency i want to calculate some other value that i am going to use in my code .
ex: i am entering frequency 400.125MHz and band width=25kHz
so i need to calculate N value
i.e N = 400.125MHz/25kHz
= 16005 = 3E85(hex)
so each time entering different frequency it has to calculate N value. is that in the code the first step i can take which divides that frequency?? and how can i divide this ?
pls help anyone..

You need a floating point maths library for the Pic. If you search with google you will find a lot of them on the web.
Floating point math will take a large chunk of your memory.
This would be a lot easier if you used C programming language.

"Easier" is arguable but not the point here, anyway.

I am sure that it is also going to take a lot of space in memory. Nothing is for free.

JUst another comment: before resorting to floating point maths, make sure that you actually need them. Maybe, you can go away with fixed point maths.

ya it will take lot of space thats why i want to put it in a single formula kind thing.. just i enter the frequency in GUI .. In my code i need to calculate N value.. so anyway bandwidth is fixed so i wll store it and whenever i enter frequency it should divide by BW so.. is their any option to do this??

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