hi all
can anyone tell me the differance between senseing and controlling the DC current in the inputand sensing or controlling the AC current in the output and which method is preferable
Hi howidam,
Input current is a DC and can be measured only with current sensing resistor (nonisolated) and Hall sensor (Isolated). This method is a prefarable only for input current measurement (for MPPT in Photovoltaic converters) and for input current protection.
Output current of the inverters is a AC an can be measured with current sensing resistor, Hall sensor and Current transformer. This method is a preferable when implementing an output current control and regulation.
Hello Taner. it's quite a long time. i've got my degree. just like i told you, i want to apply for a program in power electronics. BTW, I ve gone through d C source code. it is unbelievable to let u know that i ve made tremendous step in learning how to code PIC with CCS C by deligently studying your source code bearing in mind how d circuit works and comparing the ASM generated. remember i've good understanding of assembler. All these put together, i now understand the flow of the source code. Thanks Taner for ur encouragement.
Hi Taner. please, when i compiled the source code with my CCS C PCWHD version 4.057, there was slight difference in hex file generated compared to yours. i want to know if it is a problem with my compiler or due to version. what version of compiler did you use? . This is important to me to make sure my compiler is good.
Dear Taner ,
I try to run your c code for the 20k inverter (PIC16_Inverter.rar) , but it doesn't work..iam using pic c-lite software..and iam woundering about your header file and a strange function in the code like read_adc,setpwm,.. is it your code function or you use a certain compiler, it gives me multiple error when i try to run ,unknown identifiers..thanks
wait you reply.
Hi Taner. I ve downloaded d compiler. it's clean. hex file generated is exactly d same with yours. I'm HAPPY. I can now proceed with building the circuit. THANKS.
Hi Taner. I guess that is the formula you used to generate the sine_wave[32] constant? please, clarify because i seem to be confused knowing that the first constant is 81 when n = 0. clear my doubt. thanks.