[SOLVED] Pic 16f876a Pure Sinewave inverter

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v_rajaji i think You are trying to convert it into an online ups, at time we cant use the same output transformer for battery charger because its an 8:230V transformer and for charger we must have a 220:12v transformer at least, other wise we have to use buck boost converters to regulate power and current rating of charger which itself is a complete project, also if you want to use a transformer at input of the online inverter/ups its secondary current rating is very high approximately about 20A for inverter and atleast 7A for charger so the overheat and over load issue of the transformer arrises because in our local markets of Pakistan and India most of the people use hand made transformers for this purpose and their core losses are about 70-100watts minimum so these things must be significantly considered in any design procedure.
v_rajaji ! Lay out circuits with other permission! It is badly visible.

Here interesting solution of the device of charging.


  • 12VDC-220ADC.doc
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viknik8 this is in Russian!! but the circuit shows it is a conventional inverter as I mentioned in one of my attachments, here our circuit is entirely different from this.
And if here so. As diodes for charging diodes between a drain and a source of transistors IRF3803 are used.


  • ZAR.gif
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Here it is scheme for "Inverter monitor"



  • Inverter monitor.PNG
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Note_1: input voltage range is 0-5VDC.
Note_2: Check GLCD datasheet for correct pinout (corrections could be required)


  • Inverter_monitor_5.rar
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Californiajoe plz upload pdf or high resolution jpeg file of the schematic, also tell me that do we have to connect it or add it with the previous schematic or we have to change something?

also can u plz send me C file of the software???

Best Regards

First one could be opened with Auto CAD, second one with Adobe Reader.
Like I said before, Inverter monitor is one of the slaves in RS485 network, so you should ignore MAX485 chip with it's connections.
You should be carefull with connection of the GLCD becouse of the diferent pinout of it, so DATASHEET of your GLCD should be near of you.
Software is made by mikroBasic v7.2 and is very much diferent then C. I can post the code, but it would not be usefull for you becouse you don't have a licence for it.


Note: GLCD must have KS0108 controller!

Now you can open it.


  • Slave 220.pdf
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pdf up is changed.
This circuit is experimental at the momment, this is not final version. I may use LM324 as voltage follower with some inputs, I need to do more tests to know that, but all my experiences will be shared with you.

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    Points: 2
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Finally I made output modul of the inverter.



  • Top.PNG
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  • Bottom.PNG
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I have some problem. I built the inverter and it works without any glitch for current < 2A. When the current begin to raise > 2A the output wave start to be flatten at the top and the bottom, that mean this is the maximum regulation.

So my question is : if i want higher current, does changing the transformer and adding some mosfet be enough ? or i have to modify some part of the regulation routine in the software. i know that this software is limited to 500VA , but i managed to disable the protection in the source code to test higher current.

Take a look to the TLP250 datasheet if it can suply more than two IRL3803s at the same time, otherwise you should make double output modules (8 x TLP250, 16 x IRL3803). Feedback Curr_l, Curr_h, a and b should be tested in this case.
Also think about 24V suplying, which was mentioned at the begining of this thread. In this case you need new transformer.


Few more experiences for those who want to build inverter. Finally I got a transformer 230/8V/300VA. Output voltage is almost 250V. If you look closelly my picture few posts back, you can see more than 5mm wide connections between transistors, suply and outputs A and B. Yesterday I made them even stonger with extra added wire over it. This couses less power loosing over this connections, so output voltage is to high. I will have to add few turns on transformer to get proper output voltage.

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    Points: 2
    Helpful Answer Positive Rating
Here interesting solution of the device of charging.

The Text of the file provided by viknik8 was in russian so, attached is its translation in english.

Best Regards,



  • 12VDC-220ADC Eng.doc
    64 KB · Views: 504
here are some schematics of Solar Charger, someone who is intrested in using this inverter with solar pannel can get some basic idea of solar charger design from this file


  • Solar.zip
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The circuit of the charged device for the inverter. The circuit the worker!


  • zr.rar
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