physical meaning of convolution

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phisical meaning of convolution

it gives the correlation between the two signal we have taken.

multiplication of the delta functions

From the Dictionary of Mathematics says that convolution is a function or series derived from two given functions or series by integration.

explain, convolution

Hi deepa.
You ask for the physical meaning of convolution.
Imagine a counter as in a ticket counter.
A number of people pass through it.
At the end of the day a parameter concerning the people who passed through, example: the amount they paid or the number of tickets sold can be obtained right?
Now if the counter is a mobile type, then to know these parameters we have to accumulate the data at each position the mobile counter has stopped.
That my lady gives you the convolution. That is convolution is the accumulation of the magnitude of a signal at each point the other concerned signal exists.

convolution physical interpretation

divider and conquer scheme

convolve meaning

excellent example that one o f a mobile ticket counter

physical meaning pf convolution

Good explanation harsha_jois! Thankyou

what is convolution geometrically means

as i explained earlier

integration is area under a curve

convolution is overlapping area under two curves

now if both these curves are moving in opposite directions common area under their curves will initially be zero then it will start increasing to a max then again decrease to zero as the two curves move apart.

imagine two trains. one stationary (your system) other moving(input signal)
as the trains cross each other the overlapping area of two rains increases reaches a max and then decreases to zero as the train has completely passed by.

this is best i can do there cannt be a more physical explanation

Convolution means finding similarity between 2 signals.

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