Sounds like a fault in the green channel feeding the CRT. Lack of green will look like there is an excess of red and blue so it takes on a pink or violet hue. It would tie in with green flashes too. The zig-zag lines are caused by the spot retrace not being blanked. The picture is scanned from top to bottom and normally the CRT is blanked as the beam returns to the top for the next scan, what you see is the spot still lit up as it returns to the top.
The fault could be many things and I'm not familiar with that model but my starting place to look for faults would be the circuits on the CRT base board. I suspect it has three almost identical transistor amplifiers on it, one for the red signal, one for green and one for blue. The green one should be checked for dry solder joints. If they are OK, the next likely suspect would be the green channel driver transistor.
Don't worry about the hourglass issue at the moment, it may just be a side effect caused by the green channel making the CRT draw too much current and overloading the scan or high voltage circuits.