Advanced Member level 4
It is a simple device that was designed to regulate the power of the soldering iron powered by 230V.
A typical synchronization with the net for PC814 was used. The device is controlled by triac with MOC3021 unsecured – what makes the system operates incorrectly at less than 15% (control is not linear, its threshold is in %). It needs to be checked with an oscilloscope. Setting value (from 0 to 100) is multiplied by 100us giving triac delay (from 0 to 10ms max).
The system has a transformerless power supply, so that the board is relatively small, single-sided, some SMD components, the rest threaded:
And the pictures:
The system actually has a very wide application – it may be used to adjust:
- soldering iron power 230V
- brightness of bulbs light
- heaters power (heat sink required)
- drills, jigsaws and similar devices speed
A video of the device operating:
Note! The system voltages are hazardous to human health and life!
Link to original thread (useful attachment) – Fazowy regulator mocy ze sterowaniem mikroprocesorowym