permanent latch circuite

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Member level 1
May 17, 2011
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i need a circuit that when normaly close contact become open , output become high and output stay in same status for permanent and
output do not become low when contact has become closed ,again

tpetar dear .tank you for circuit.but in this circuit output become off when optocoupler become off.i want to output has became on when opto coupler become on only one time. :roll:

Optocoupler is output you mixed sides!
Input is marked as sensor (NO/NC), and output state is on optocoupler!
I explained all with text in picture!


Scenario 2
When sensor is NC (normaly connected) then optocoupler output is NO (normaly opened), in other case,
when sensor is Opened then output on optocoupler is Closed (connected).
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javadamirpoor need such circuit that optocoupler stay in closed (connected) position ..... independant if after open contacts are again closed! OPTO must stay closed (connected)!
Its simple, at output of optocoupler put some additional circuit when this circuit first time turned on stay on forever, indipendent of state of optocoupler.
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i found this circuit
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i tested it in protues and it work true.but where is a problem in reality.
in protues first time when i run it, output is off (i want it) but when i make circuit and connected voltage,first time output if on.i became confused.plz help me. :?:

These type flip-flops are edge sensitive to the clock input and change state
on the positive-going transition of the clock pulses.
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The basic J-K Flip-flop
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i think that flip flop has not specified behavior in start time.if i think wrong,please help me to found way for solving this problem.

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