syedahmar, If you look at the digital signal, there is no concept of time in it. The X-axis is not the continuous time axis, instead it's the sample axis. X axis is discretized.
When you are representing digital signal in a equation,
for ex.
continuous signal : y(t) = Sin wt
becomes : y
= Sin w' n
Here w' can not be in the units of 1/time , its unitless. If you compare values of y
with y(t) at sampled points, you have to put w' = 2*pi*f' = 2*pi* f / Fs ; Fs is sampling freq.
If you apply sampling theorem here, f' <= Fs
So we say that w' is in the range of 0 to 2*pi.
If you want to understand intuitively, as you increase the Fs , the rate of variation in consecutive digital samples becomes less. As the Fs tends to f (signal's max frequency) , the rate of variation in the consecutive sample values increases and digital frequency approaches 1 (or w' approaches 2*pi).