Pcb routing (manual and auto routing)

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manual routing is best which helps to under the project.but auto routing can be complete the routing fast,but routing clear up is very horrible.
I would advise that you spend as much money as you can afford on the best routing software you can get
if you are doing anything at all complex or high density.
Routing software? - Yes - you will find that many PCB packages can work with different routing packages
and companies will charge different amounts depending on which routing options you want to try.
try? - yes - routing is an art as much as a science. Even the very best routing packages will leave
you with some manual routing to do - thats pretty much guaranteed.

If you are just doing fairly simple circuits (say a few components and 2 sides max) I would still use
a routing package - the one in "free" Eagle is good for this. Then you just tidy up the things you don't

In short - use whatever auto-routing you can get then take a look and tidy up.
For pro work spend as much as you can for a good PCB package+router.
Most boards these days are manually routed, autorouters do not do a good enough job, especially high speed and critical boards. I cant remember when we autorouted a board, probably 12+ years ago.

most definitely manual routing .. as auto router will not take specific precautions regarding the layout

It's easy to click a button. However manual routing requires you to consider you circuit more, to consider the track widths, current flow, return current, EMC, DFT, manufacturing etc.

Also the job looks a lot better. (well - in most cases).

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It's easy to click a button. However manual routing requires you to consider you circuit more, to consider the track widths, current flow, return current, EMC, DFT, manufacturing etc.

Also the job looks a lot better. (well - in most cases).

Router VS hand routing was easy to find witch one it better
just try to make autorouter do this ,almost any router on the market will fail

human will figure it out intuitively just by looking it .... machine don't

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