PC turns off suddenly and doesn't want to start the system for hours

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Full Member level 2
Jun 3, 2005
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my pc automatically turns off suddenly.
i think its not the problem with the ups, because the monitor gets supply.
after the system turns off, i couldnt start for nearly 4-5 hrs, sometimes even a day.
this happens often. wat cud be the problm. help me.

thank you

pc - turnoff

first... u can restore the factory setting for ur bios...

1. turn off the power
2. connect the jumper to factory setting for bout 1min
3. connect back the jumper to the default location.
4. boot up ur pc normally.

if this dont work...

mayb u can reprogram ur bios by running in dos (real dos)... refer ur mother board manual for details

u can download the latest bios version for ur motherboard

if everythins dont work... i think is other hardware failure... send to pc shop to repair...



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Re: pc - turnoff

rednewguy said:
my pc automatically turns off suddenly.

Check power supply for capacitors which are blown up, or even better check the capacitors with ESR meter for low ESR, and check for low capacitor value. Is it an ATX power supply? Then it looks like the aux power supply is weak, that often happens when the power supply is not switched off with the mains switch but only put into standby mode (by software).


Re: pc - turnoff

The top messages are right, but in most cases, it may be a cause of a virus trying to reboot your computer at once. May be it is hiding somewhere in your hard disk drive...

If it tries to shutdown for just about 50 seconds: Its a problem, that virus loads and reloads each time you boot your PC (Try to back-up your files on a seperate drive or disk (optical disks would do) and reformat your infected hard disk.) That would fix it (It happened to my friend before)

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