PC to MCU interface via USB

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Noman Yousaf

Full Member level 4
Nov 19, 2003
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Lahore Pakistan
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pc to mcu interface via usb

I want to Interface any micro controller (pic or avr) with PC via usb.
I want to make an app on any suitable software through which i will turn on or off relays, display ADC value (voltage from temp sensor or any source) on PC monitor.
Please note that i work on both mcus in assembly language only.
only any tool with which i will make display or control on PC, is needed.

Thanks to all in advance.

Re: pc to mcu interface via usb

App on any suitable s/w also will be on assembly? :-D
You better use FT232 or similar. It is almost imposible to make f/w for usb communication on assembly.

Re: pc to mcu interface via usb

i said i work on assembly for MCUs. I know that is impossible for pc software and i dont need assembly for pc software sir.
i need any tool. which will interface MCU hardware with PC via USB. not RS232.

Re: pc to mcu interface via usb

You can use MikroC for PIC/AVR. There are tool for organize HID class for USB with very simple syntax.
It is also support assembly as well.

Re: pc to mcu interface via usb

If you implement CDC device class, you can use Hyperterminal or Putty to control your interface. (Of course you can do it also with USB-to-serial bridge like FT232).

So you are back to the problem of writing suitable microcontroller software.

Please note that i work on both mcus in assembly language only.
I fear there little support for this approach at Edaboard. No "software masochists" section yet.
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