Title: Device to control PC remotely using its keyboard port by means of simple
RS232 string
I have written a C++ application for sending RS232 serial data in single PC and I want the data to be received on another PC and captured as keystrokes. These keystrokes can then be used in any window’s word applications and appeared as though they are typed from the keyboard.
I have also coded the program such that for each ASCII character, it is converted into it’s corresponding set of scancode. For example,’a’ is translated into IC FO IC and sends as string “ICF0IC” over the serial link. This ensures the scancode is correctly interpreted by the keyboard controller on the receiver’s side PC.
However I do not know how to go about implementing a hardware device that can achieve the conversion of RS232 data to keyboard data.
Qn(a): Can anyone help me with the schematic design or give some advice? I have come up with overall diagram. How the device should behave but I am unsure if it’s correct.