pc control weigth - separation belt conveyor system

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Newbie level 3
Jan 4, 2006
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i need to design and construct a pc control weight separation belt conveyor system as a mini project. i know i'll need two stepper motors,a conveyor belt, a weight sensor. i need your help to in getting this project done. what other components i'll need and what is involved in getting it done.

you will need tenzo sensor the popular name is the "load cells"

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this is your conveyor, actually this is the standard configuration. The middle part of the conveyor measuring the weight. The load cell measure force over this middle part. When the object is transfered from A to LC you must stop the conveyor and make measurement. Actually you no have a need to stop the conveyor , but in this case you must be sure that will reject any innertion force that can insert error. You must have some manipulator to remove the object, or just stop the conveyor if the weight is not correct.
The directly use of PC for this is not a good idea, you must have the controller, this controller will drive your motor, for this no have a need of using the stepper motor, every type of motor is suitable, but more importand controller will make the measurement.

Tohu: Good answer....

on the other hand please try this:

Hay chips muy baratos para pesar cosas de al menos 16 bits que unidos a una celda de carga,podrian resolver el problema del pesaje.
Implementar esto que digo no es cosa fàcil,si estas apurado, compra la balanza
completa que ya tiene un discriminador de peso en un par de relay.
En lugar de parar la cinta ,podrias mantenerla fucionando permanentemente y
levantar la plataforma de pesaje una pulgada con un electroiman y luego bajarla.
previo descarte del peso incorrecto.
Debo decir que si la demanda es alta no podrias evitar parar la cinta,pero al menos no necesitarias los steppers,bastaria un motor comun.
Para detectar la pieza a pesar podrias usar un sensor de los comunes.
Te ahorrarias los 2 motores Stepper.

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