Passing pulses from a counter to the display wirelessly using the RF system module

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Newbie level 4
Jan 23, 2006
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Dear ALL,

Referring to the RTFQ1 and RRFQ1 module for RF (data sheet attached). As I am designing a digital wireless speedometer, so I thought I might get some help from you, that is to make the speedometer wireless. But I thought I might ask you first whether it will work or not. The summary is some what like this; I want the pulses after being counted by the counter to be fed into the decoder driver of the 7-segement display. I therefore might insert the RF system betwwen the counter and the decoder driver of the 7-seg. That is making the display wirelessly attached to the rest of the circuit. in short i want to pass the pulses from the counter to the display wirelessly using the RF system circuit module.

Thanks for your time.


RF module info

Hi Navveed,
The wireless transmission is fine.
How many bits counter is it? Is it a BCD counter?
The encoder decoder pair works on 4bit data - so ideal for BCD transmission.
But the problem is you need to sequence these BCDs both at transmission and reception side.

A better way is to not use the encoder/decoder pair.
Directly connect the pulses output from speedometer to the RF transmitter.
You would get the same waveforms at the receiver side.
Send this to a BCD counter - decoder - 7 seg display.
This is an easy solution. If you benifit from this, acknowledge the help.
Comments welcome.


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Re: RF module info

navveed said:
Referring to the RTFQ1 and RRFQ1 module for RF (data sheet attached).

How much and how buy this module?

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