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Palm based oscilloscope ?

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Jan 27, 2002
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palm oscilloscope

Anybody ever seen an oscilloscope project for Palm PDAs ? I have actually come across some while digging the web, but none that has schematics, free software and so on.

pda oscilloscope

Hi i think it no so complicated to do somthing like this
thay probebly use the PALM as a display and som A/D as the smplinig methode.

the problem lay with the speed since to transfer data to the PALM you need to use the serial port and it's speed limited to 115k200


palm os oscilloscope

1 year ago I made a digital oscilloscope using Palm but PDA was
only for visualisation of the data. It works as data logger via USB.
If you need of real analog oscilloscope you'll need a lot of external
components including input selectors, fast ADC and buffer memory.
It's not a good idea to use PDA like display only but maybe I'm wrong...

oscilloscope for palm

There were a contest on Xilinx site 2 years ago: development with CoolRunner XPLA for Handspring Extension Board. Some of these projects were deal with logic analyzer and oscilloscope design. Well, Handspring is near to Palm by architecture. So, may be this link will be useful for you:
All application there are well defined and have open source code.

Have a fun!


serial palm project

I do realize that this is possible, and possible downsides. I do not expect ot to be somtehing very fast. The function of the Palm will just be to visualize data captured by external hardware. Something comparable to the GameBoy scope should be possible, I hope. I also consider a PIC with internal ADC to be a simple option.

palm ir data aquisition


can u pm the shematic file


oscilloscope handsprings

To megamicro,
Can u publish some more info about your project. It is very interesting for me.

palm pda osciloscope interface

I do not have a schematic, code or anything. I am only planning this. Right now I am reading Palm Developers Companion. If I find palm platform to be easy to develop for , I am cosidering developing some hardaware based projects to sharpen my embedded developmant skils. As for palm-pic interfacing I found this on the web:
**broken link removed** has 16f877-palm serial connection

Also, **broken link removed** has a pic assembler for palmos, with built-in porgrammer. No info on the hardware though, but very interesting indeed being able to develop pic apps only with a palm...

what does an oscilloscope program on a pda do?

U can read about some project --
**broken link removed**
The site is in Japaneese. Try translate in in

Please share with us your work

palm+oscilloscope software

I think PALM is good for PIM ..but for EDA like ..
palm CPU is poor ..

maybe new Palm (use ARM CPU) have powerful for other tool
maybe someday we can find Palm_Spice tool ..

oscilloscope pda based

anyway gameboy can be a oscilloscope

gameboy oscope

direnc said:
As for palm-pic interfacing I found this on the web:
**broken link removed** has 16f877-palm serial connection
This link is dead, do you have a new link?

palm tx oscilloscope

**broken link removed**

What is the Palm Oscilloscope
The Palm Oscilloscope project is an attempt to use a Palm PDA as an oscilloscope. The portability and availability of Palm PDAs make them ideal for data acquisition and display applications. Also, because many of the target users already have Palm computers, adding oscilloscope features to a Palm would cost much less than purchasing a complete portable oscilloscope. In this project, a Palm is used to display waveforms that are received through the serial port from a BlackBox. The BlackBox is a device which samples the analog signals and transmits them to the Palm using a specific communications protocol.

The Palm Oscilloscope has a two part design. The first part is, of course, a Palm-compatible PDA. The PDA is the user interface for the oscilloscope, and displays waveforms that represent the measured signals. The other part of the oscilloscope is a black box, named the BlackBox. The BlackBox is responsible for measuring an analog signal, and transmitting the measurements to the PDA.
In order to maximize the usability of this product, no hardware changes are required of the PDA. All communication is performed through the built in serial port.

The Palm-O-Scope is a small program that runs on a Palm-compatible PDA. It provides the user interface to the Palm Oscilloscope, by scaling and displaying the measured waveforms. These measurements come from the other half of the Palm Oscilloscope, the BlackBox.

The BlackBox is responsible for measuring analog signals and transmitting the results to a PDA. The exact implementation can vary considerably. For the Palm Oscilloscope project, two BlackBoxes have been designed, one of which has been implemented and demonstrated. The BlackBoxes communicate with the host (the PDA) using the BlackBox Protocol. This protocol provides much freedom for the PDA oscilloscope.

Feature Summary
Runs on any Palm-Compatible PDA with an RS-232 serial port and Palm OS 3.5 or newer.
Dynamically scales any number of samples from the BlackBox to the display, reducing any dependance on a particular model of BlackBox
Can update more than 4 traces per second
BlackBox One
Generates 8-bit samples at 480 Hz
Triggers at 0 V on rising edges
Communicates at 9600 bps using the Simplifed BlackBox Protocol
Obsolete. Intended for demonstration purposes only
BlackBox Two
Generates 8-bit samples at 1.0 MHz
Allows variable trigger voltages, rising edge only
Communicates at 115200 bps using the full BlackBox Protocol
Not implemented yet
BlackBox Protocol
Allows communication between the Palm-O-Scope and any BlackBox
Decouples the user interface from the BlackBox, allowing porting to new PDAs and operating systems
Designed for reliable operation and future expandability
Specifes 16-bit samples for all BlackBoxes. This allows 0.4mV resolution with a +/-15 V reference

xilinx based oscilloscope

**broken link removed**

VITO Oscilloscope is a unique engineering tool for infrared signal analysis. The program uses proprietary infrared engine designed by VITO Technology to acquire and beam signals via Palm IrDA.
signal analysis

Oscilloscope supports consumer IR standard and acquires signals within range from 10kHz and higher (remote controls, car keys, field equipment, labware, etc.). The program uses Palm IrDA to beam displayed signal that might be very helpful in equipment tests and physical experiments.
detailed display view

Acquired signal is displayed in waveform on a time scaled canvas. Use basis definition tool to display signal waveform without repeats. Oscilloscope provides 2 operating modes: single mode and comparison mode. In single mode Oscilloscope displays acquired signal alone and in addition provides waveform detailed view. In comparison mode 2 signals are displayed in separate canvases.
powerful yet easy-to-use

VITO Oscilloscope features clear and intuitive user interface with on-screen and hardware buttons operation that makes program use really fast and flawless. Acquired signals can be stored in database files and opened for further analysis or shared with your collegues.
Oscilloscope requires PalmOS 3.5 or higher and works on DragonBall EZ328 (16MHz, 20MHz), VZ328 ( 33MHz).

Note. This is a commercial product and it provides no trial version. Please, read application help file before purchasing it.

arm based oscilloscope schematic

please use Google

1. **broken link removed**

portible osilloscope for pda

The SirPic website has a low cost, low bandwidth, 1-bit digital storage scope construction project for use with your PDA/PC/Laptop.

It Features:
+ Sampling rates 1/10/100/500kHz
+ Compressed data buffer 640-40,000 samples (varies according to signal entropy)
+ Positive and negative edge triggering
+ Supports both wireless (infra-red) and wired RS232 output interfaces to PDA/PC/laptop running SirPic or terminal emulator package.
+ Captured waveform is displayed with timestamps

All this from a 16F628 pic and a few glue components.
Download the free user/construction guide from

palmar oscilloscope

Using Palm as an oscilloscope will not be able to get the real time values, do not know if how much will the dealy it can bring, rather it is better to use a PALM for a VOM, frequency counter, frequency generator, LC Meter and SWR Meter.

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