I am working on a similar project...
i try to use HC06 and /or HC05 as slave
i can establish the link to configure HC05 or HC06
but it seems difficult to put the BT device in the good state when power on.
To be able to put AT command , the BT module must have his led blinking..
if not , no chance to get a link an pass AT commands.
After some power ON / power OFF i can get the good start status : blinking led.
So , by default HC05 is at 9600 bauds ..
i send a new name
and a new speed 19200 bds
but just after reinitialase the uart to the new speed!
The number of available AT commands are very limited, so i think i don't get a true HC05
firmware is linvorV1.8.
Before to use with your PIC ,you better have to initialise it with a terminal + Max3222 <-> HC05
My master is an RN41 bluetooth click from MikroE (at 19200 bds)
It as extended AT commands... an a very good documentation.
(it is not the case for BT linvor , many divergences between all documents)
i allready use it with an Archos 43it tablette successfully and specific Android apk.
Nota :
you can test your master PIC application with an Android tablette or phone with
Amarino.apk or Blueremote.apk
I try to connect my RN41 in Master mode ,
directly to the Mac adresse of my HC05 slave..
but not succefull ,
i can't establish the link bewtewen thoses BT. devices.
I can post my program (C18) 18F26K22 SLave side if you are interested.
I didn't find any solution on the web , an maybe at least,
i will reorder another RN41 ,wich is more flexible for use, even a bit expansive $$!.