I've tested on it, but it only works if copper polygon is exported from PCB to Momentum.
In my case, I am doing the PCB layout in power PCB and the files involve copper pour with complicated shape which is hard to be drawn in momentum. I found that when the copper pour is imported, everything got mixed up and could not be seperated. Is there any skill to solve that?
You can use CAM350 to convert the gerber files into .dxf format. I tried to use another converter but it seem that .dxf is layered formatted.
Then you can insert this .dxf into momentum.
Yes it's possible...
At the website of www.artwork.com , there is a programs that convert Gerber-to-EGS file called as
Netex associated with GBRVU. By aid of these two program ,it's always possible to convert Gerber data to EGS data that is accepted by Momentum.
These two use flexlm security and it they can be downloaded from website for a limited period with an apply form to request flexlm file to evoluate them.
At my company, we have installed and work very good together...