Please can you help to solve the problem of overvoltage damage to a relay which breaks inductive current in a LC filter?
I am doing a retrofit of LED reverse lights into a car. -Previously, these used incandescent bulbs in this car.
The power to the LED lights is the same as when the incandescants were used…that is, an upstream relay simply switchs off power to the LED lights, just as it did with the previously fitted incandescent bulbs.
However, the LEDs are powered by an SMPS LED driver, and as such , we need to have an LC filter at the input to the Reverse Light module.
When the relay switchs off, the inductive current in the filter inductor rings with the input capacitor and the input node to the reverse light, which is also the relay node, rings up to 120V.
The high voltage ringing at the relay node will damage the relay, do you agree? (due to sparking at its contacts as it opens)
Should we put a freewheeling diode around the filter inductor to reduce this voltage?
Please find attached,
1…a picture of the ringing voltage waveform at the input node.
2…The LTspice simulation
3…The schematic.