overlap-save method in MATLAB?

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Apr 1, 2007
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overlap save

Hi. I wrote the code below to do fast-convolution with overlap-save method, but it is not working; i know that somewhere i need to add zeros to x but where; pls help =)

function myfunc
function y = OverlapSave(x, h, N)
h = h);
x = x);
P = length(h);
N = length(x);
D = N-P+1;
x = [zeros(P-1,1);x];
H = fft(h,N);
y = [];
for r = 0:fix(N/D)-1
xr = x(r*D+1:r*D+N);
Xr = fft(xr);
Yrp = Xr .* H;
yrp = ifft(Yrp);
y = [y; yrp(P:N)];

overlap save matlab


Red color portion of your code is giving error

P = length(h);
N = length(x);
D = N-P+1;
x = [zeros(P-1,1);x];
H = fft(h,N);
y = [];
for r = 0:fix(N/D)-1
xr = x(r*D+1:r*D+N);
Xr = fft(xr);
Yrp = Xr .* H;

Try this.....
x = [zeros(P-1,1)' x];

overlap save method

here the m file for the matlab overlab save method. so u can direct store this m file in to your work directory and go for the overlapsave method

function [y] = ovrlpsav(x,h,N)
% Overlap-Save method of block convolution
% ----------------------------------------
% [y] = ovrlpsav(x,h,N)
% y = output sequence
% x = input sequence
% h = impulse response
% N = block length
Lenx = length(x); M = length(h);
M1 = M-1; L = N-M1;
h = [h zeros(1,N-M)];
x = [zeros(1,M1), x, zeros(1,N-1)]; % preappend (M-1) zeros
K = floor((Lenx+M1-1)/(L)); % # of blocks
Y = zeros(K+1,N);
% convolution with succesive blocks
for k=0:K
xk = x(k*L+1:k*L+N);
Y(k+1, = circonvt(xk,h,N);
Y = Y,M:N)'; % discard the first (M-1) samples
y = (Y))'; % assemble output

hi... i need to create the function overlap save or overlap add...can anyone help me? i assume that in the begining i generate some values for input signal and also for the impulse reponse h.. this values are chosed by me...but what happens next? i mean how can I divide the input signal into blocks of length M..qnd is there a mathematical relation between M and the length of the input signal N?


I want to to 50% overlap on Hanning window, can any body suggets how to perform this using MATLAB? please help me, am implementing PSOLA algorithm
Thanks in advance
Chaithra S

Is there any way to convert this matlab code into Java?? I want to implement the overlap save method in Java.

hi i hav a problem in this code cox its nt giv me right answer plz write another simple

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