output voltage isolation

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Member level 5
Mar 25, 2018
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someone told me:i want to use a battery with three output which each one be isolated from other one

and my question is

is that mean i can use short circuit protection as a isolator?

my battery is 12v1.6Ah

Does isolation mean you do not want any battery charging another
battery ? If so then you would use a diode in series with battery,
or a controlled MOSFET to insure battery only sources power, does not
get charged by another battery.

Diode would want to be a schottly diode to minimize current.

Questions :

1) Meaning of isolation ?
2) Battery voltage, type ?
3) Load current ?
4) Why 3 battery's ?
5) What charges battery ? Or are they consumables ?

Regards, Dana.

@danadakk, I think by "use a battery with three output" OP is talking about one battery powering three separate circuits. I'm not quite sure.

To do this form of load isolation you would need a switch in each load
path, and a shunt R to measure for short circuit current so that switch
could be turned off if that path drew too much current.

Above could be modified for load disconnect.

Regards, Dana.
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1-short circuit or when anything happen in one line doesnt effect on other line

so if a short current in one line (one of the three loads) occvure, the other two should not be affected. This quad smart-high-side switch [1] might be of interest, as it can turn off obe output by means of an adjustable current limit. I used a similar single channel IC, and it works quite good.

[1] https://www.ti.com/product/TPS4H160-Q1


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