It would appear to be over-compensated causing rectification of AC into a DC offset.
If lowering AC in increases PWM current in transformer inductance that results in a bigger spikes that getting half rectified by the comparator controlled zener Opto resulting in a DC offset with higher spikes. just a guess.
The Opto is unfamiliar to me but is like a precision 2.5V zener switch @2.5V threshold in with regulates the IR LED current with high gain. THe BW is limited to 50kHz which is a built-in breakpoint. which should attenuate most of the spike at 333kHz rep rate, (which may be an issue)
THis makes the transfer function of the FB filter and OPTO combination undefined without input ripple waveforms. Test measurements would help of transfer function for AC and DC.
LED current appears to be 20V/10K=2mA which is lower than what I would use. ( 10 mA )
Thus the input impedance toggles between 10K and open circuit for Opto-pin6 ( half wave rectifier effect on Zin)
DC ratio is 2K/(2K + 16K+ 1.2K) *24V = 2.5V good.
You don't show a plastic cap between iso-gnd and sys-gnd. Careful, although this degrades HV transient isolation, it improves CM noise emission and perhaps differential noise regulation.
The FB filter output impedance on comp network is (2K//17.2K + 590nF (C5))//(R2+C4) into 10K|∞ load.
More test results on transfer function of opto and entire regulator in AC+DC plots and frequency domain will reveal the optimal solution for DC regulation, stability and phase noise..
Also review suggest Comp network transfer functions, may be more linear.
Don't forget to verify MOSFET bridge dead-spot duration ~2us or optimize for spikes and shoot-thru then test step load stability over range.
Good luck.