Full Member level 6

Hi all ,
I would like to know your opinion about output matching of power amplifier design.
I am designing a power amplifier and from 50 ohm I need to get short circuit at H2 and open circuit at H3 and at the same time I have to match my power amplifier to the optimal load impedance (28.8+j4.65) at the fundamental frequency at the current source level.
I encounter some difficulties to get these three conditions at the same time with microstrip lines (adding stub lines), do you think it's possible or not?
I give you a little picture to explain my wish.

thank you
I would like to know your opinion about output matching of power amplifier design.
I am designing a power amplifier and from 50 ohm I need to get short circuit at H2 and open circuit at H3 and at the same time I have to match my power amplifier to the optimal load impedance (28.8+j4.65) at the fundamental frequency at the current source level.
I encounter some difficulties to get these three conditions at the same time with microstrip lines (adding stub lines), do you think it's possible or not?
I give you a little picture to explain my wish.

thank you