Output and input impedance of buffer simulation

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Newbie level 4
May 19, 2015
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Hi everyone,

I need to characterize a buffer (OTA rail-to-rail with cascode stage and class AB output stage) but I have not understood how to correctly make the simulation to obtain input and output impedance.

So the amplifier is in feedback configuration and for input impedance I have connected an ac current source (1V) to the input. I also connected a DC source for my operating point. But when I launch an ac simulation and plot voltage at the desired node, this does not work. When I remove the DC source I have an input impedance from Gohms to ohms over the frequency range.
In a datasheet that I need to take as an example, there is only one value so I am a bit confused on how to obtain it and how to make sure it is accurate.

As for the output impedance, I also plan to connect an AC current source but should I keep the loads that I have ? (inductance and RC filter) or characterize the output impedance without any load ? I imagine also that it varies with frequency.
So what is the best method to have these characteristics ?


Put the DC bias source and the ac current source in series!

If you want to measure the own output impedance of the amp, remove the loads.

Thanks for your answer
I have connected the DC bias source and ac current in series and I still have a plot that goes from Gohms to ohms over the frequency range.
However, for output impedance, I have a plot that seems correct w/ 150mohms

I have connected the DC bias source and ac current in series and I still have a plot that goes from Gohms to ohms over the frequency range.
This might be correct: The gate of a MOSFET - with an input capacitance of e.g. 10fF - could have an input impedance of GΩ at low frequencies (due to leakage current), and 1Ω at 160 GHz.

However, for output impedance, I have a plot that seems correct w/ 150mohms
For your class AB output stage OTA, this seems to be a good value for low frequencies.
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