You are using Cadence Orcad right... I never use this before... but it should be working almost the same like other CAD I guess...
If possible, please refer to the help provided by the developer.
I try my best to share some rough ideas on using this CAD.
I guess you already knew how to import nets and components into PCB environment from schematic using forward annotation right?
With nets available, then only you can apply DRC appropriately.
Drawing patterns falls into two main categories: Routing lines and creating polygons (some called pour, fill, etc).
For Altium, the net name itself is self-explanatory, in other sense you can briefly tell how the net is connected between which components.
Next thing to be noted is, how are you going to define your DRC in terms of clearance required. You can set your own clearance according to your design and voltage.
First you just have to click the polygon pour button then draft the outline as you wish, then select the relevant net for it.
Beforehand, you should set your DRC check as ON status so that it can generate required clearance automatically.
You can work under DRC off too to allow manual modification later on.
Thermal relief is part of the parameters under polygon, you can set your own thermal relief's pad size and clearance accordingly.
Please refer to this Orcad PCB help: **broken link removed**
Refer to C.8 Pours or fills.
I guess this what you want here.
Enjoy the fun of PCB design~!