Hello all, I want to ask,
1. What does a microprocessor contained in the OTDR do?
2. How can OTDR get the graph dB vs km?
3. Is it true that the microprocessor do logarithmic function? 20 log (Va / Vb), with Va is the present voltage and Vb is the voltage before?
4. If the OTDR do logarithmic function, then, at the beginning of the light pulse delivered by OTDR, there will be a dead zone on the OTDR graphic due to the use of connector to connect the fiber optic cable with OTDR, How does the OTDR do to process that reflective power? Since it is the first input that OTDR will receive and no voltage before to compare with.
5. As I know, at the OTDR receiver, there is Avalanche Photodiode (APD), I-V Converter and Analog to Digital Converter (ADC). Backscatter and reflected pulse is detected by the APD and converted into photocurrent, then the photocurrent is converted into voltage by I-V Converter, which will then be given to the ADC to be converted into bits that can be processed by a microprocessor. Which part is responsible to form the graph on the OTDR?
Thank you